by kim schaper | Dec 8, 2016 | blog, Fitness, hormones, strength training, Uncategorized, weight loss, workouts
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s getting towards the end of the year and we’re bombarded with ridiculous amounts of articles, tips, tools, gimmicks, etc. on how to lose weight for good! Even as a fitness professional, I too get super overwhelmed with all of the...
by kim schaper | Oct 3, 2016 | blog, hormones, Nutrition
Let’s be honest, men have it pretty darn good because they only have ONE major hormone to deal with and that’s their testosterone. However, for us ladies, we have a handful of them and if one gets wonky, the others are guaranteed to follow suit. Whether...
by kim schaper | Aug 5, 2016 | blog, Fitness, hormones, mindset, Nutrition, Uncategorized, weight loss
Ever have the feeling of utter frustration and confusion that what worked for us before is NO longer working? Yep, I get that. Example: Say we were on a menu plan that worked really well for us a few years ago, we lost some weight, felt pretty good and could maintain...
by kim schaper | Jul 26, 2016 | blog, Fitness, hormones, Nutrition
I can tell you based on experience that every single time I go to the beach my hands look like sausage casings. I think it’s the salty and humid air that gets me every time, not to mention my hair looks like I stuck my finger in an electric outlet. Frizz...
by kim schaper | Jun 30, 2016 | blog, Fitness, hormones, mindset, Nutrition, Uncategorized
It wasn’t too long ago that I remembered seeing the word “healthy” right next to a box of Oreos at the grocery store. Seriously? I think healthy is such a broad term, kinda thrown around a bit, and sorta blah, but I also think it kinda lives up to...
by kim schaper | Apr 15, 2016 | blog, Fitness, gut, hormones, Nutrition, Uncategorized
We heard this word more often than not, especially when we’re sitting around watching TV and witness a commercial showing people sad then happy before the 30 seconds is up. This word is typically thrown around when we see others exhibiting “out of the...