by kim schaper | Sep 9, 2020 | strength training, weight loss
I was at the checkout line at the grocery store last week and I came across a magazine that was so ridiculous I had to laugh. I wish I got a picture but I didn’t have my phone with me at the time. It said “Get Jessica Biel’s arms with this #1 toning exercise!” I...
by kim schaper | Aug 10, 2020 | Fitness, hormones, Nutrition, Uncategorized, weight loss
You’re stressed, I’m stressed, your dog is stressed, your kids are stressed. Am I right? LOL. If you’re a mama I’m sure you’re worried about school, how it’s going to unfold with homeschooling without losing your mind or how your...
by kim schaper | Jun 17, 2020 | gut, hormones, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Find yourself struggling with bloat, fatigue, gas, belching, indigestion, weight gain and acid reflux? 👉🏼Here’s what I can tell you, if you have digestive issues, you’ll have hormonal issues. They both just go hand and hand and I can guarantee, if...
by kim schaper | May 18, 2020 | depression/anxiety, gut, hormones, mindset
Women tell me all the time how badly they struggle with brain fog. “I just went into the kitchen and I forgot why I went in there?” “I was about to introduce my colleague and I completely forgot her name, my mind went blank!” Does this happen to you? Feeling like...
by kim schaper | Apr 25, 2020 | Fitness, hormones, Nutrition
You and I both know you can’t really “boost” your metabolism with fancy detox teas, waist wraps or red pepper chili flakes, but you can take your health into your own hands with some simple tricks to help keep your metabolism revving for good....