Thyroid issues? Check these foods out.

Let’s be honest, men have it pretty darn good because they only have ONE major hormone to deal with and that’s their testosterone. However, for us ladies, we have a handful of them and if one gets wonky, the others are guaranteed to follow suit.  Whether...
Why balance is B.S.

Why balance is B.S.

Let’s face it, life isn’t always going to be in perfect alignment 24/7.  Life happens, stress occurs and bills need to get paid.  What if I was to tell you that perfect balance doesn’t really exist, does that make you feel unsettled?  Like,...
Why overeating can be a good thing.

Why overeating can be a good thing.

We all do it at some point or another, it’s a human behavior that’s natural and comforting.  A food tastes delicious so we want more of it.  Simple as that.  Right?  Well, yes and no. Normally after we over eat, the shame factor creeps in and rears...