by kim schaper | Feb 24, 2018 | Fitness, strength training, Uncategorized, weight loss, workouts
Your friend just asked you to try her new diet because she said it works like magic! Your sibling just inhaled a loaf of bread and cried because she’s tired of depriving herself of carbs with her former weight loss plan. I hear this stuff ALL THE TIME. No...
by kim schaper | Aug 14, 2017 | Uncategorized, weight loss, workouts
“But I don’t have time to workout.” Sure you do, you just need to make it a priority and create the habit to get your motivation ball rolling in the right direction. Here’s my ultimate solution if you’re: Strapped for time Cannot fathom...
by kim schaper | Jul 5, 2017 | hormones, Uncategorized, weight loss, workouts
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and yet, the crazy thing is, we STILL continue to do it, don’t we? Ahhhh, the madness. Okay, maybe we convince ourselves (because we all do it) that THIS...
by kim schaper | Jun 25, 2017 | body image, Fitness, hormones, mindset, Nutrition, Uncategorized, weight loss, workouts
We’re getting our weekly grocery shop on and we scroll by the magazine section and glance at Us Weekly, Oxygen and maybe a little Home and Garden. We pick up that Oxygen cover, immediately long for abs like Susie on the front and frown as we look down at our...
by kim schaper | Jun 15, 2017 | gut, hormones, Uncategorized, weight loss
Let’s face it, there’s always a new product or gadget that’s hot out of the oven ready to be devoured by the general public. Most are lame, useless and silly in my opinion and nothing gets under my skin more than false marketing tactics to entice us...
by kim schaper | Jun 6, 2017 | body image, depression/anxiety, mindset, Nutrition, Uncategorized, weight loss
“Emotions are similar to the ocean waves, coming and going in perfect harmony. We can’t ever stop them from surfacing, but we can choose which ones to surf for emotional balance.” Emotional balance and regulation are HARD. Especially if we’re...